Monday, January 16, 2006

So, Here's The News

I was doing a little blog reading tonight and discovered that a number of people are linking to this blog that I had no idea were linking to me. So thanks all y'all! I had plans to completely dismiss this blog, but knowing that there are a few curious souls out there makes me want to write more. Because I'd like to. Write more, I mean. But I'm not ready to make any huge promises because in a week or so I'll be entering what's called "busy season."

On January 30th, rehearsals for "Kiss Me, Kate" will begin. I'll be playing the role of Fred/Petruchio. I'm extremely excited about this as it will mark my first major leading role in a mainstage play here at UCI and also my first major experience acting and singing at the same time. For a long time in undergrad and afterwards, I sort of poo-pooed musical theatre. I thought it was silly and trite and not worth much. But in the last few months, my opinion has changed drastically. After learning about the history of the American musical and seeing some exceptionally good musical theatre I realized that everything excellent about the "gritty," "real," and whatever other words I would have used to describe the productions I formerly thought to be the salvation of modern theatre is also to be found in the form of the musical. The value and quality of a production all depends on the spirit and sincerity with which the thing is done! This was kind of a revelation for me, to understand that I can infuse a character in a musical comedy with the same honesty and truthfulness that I would a role from a hard-hitting piece of modern realism. Don't get me wrong, I understand the limitations of different forms and all that, and I'm not saying that the American musical is the cure-all for theatre or society's problems. But there is lots of goodness to be found within it.

So anyway, I get to be Petruchio. Will you be in California in March? Come see the show!!! (You'll have to scroll down a little to find the section for Kate.) See you there.


Adam said...

I read over the previous post, and found it made me pissed off, you may find My Foot in Your Ass interesting. So please Walk Off A Cliff.

Jase, aren't you doing the word verification thingy? I am glad you are now enjoying a musical. Yesterday I listened to a handful of mentally handicapped Bangadeshi children bang on tambourines and sing in joyful monotone voices. Somewhat different aesthetic, but nonetheless a cure to all of society's evils. Break a big ol' femur my friend.

jason vande brake said...

Hey, pennystockinvestment has made me millions. And I never wold have learned about it if it weren't for that comment.

Actually, I didn't know about the word verification thingy. I'll look into it. Good to hear from you! Strangely, "Sound like a mentally handicapped Bangladeshi child" is the note I get most at rehearsal.