Wednesday, June 27, 2007

This is a crazy time

We're moving to a new apartment this weekend, I'm starting a new day job on Monday, and I've been driving up to LA to do auditions every couple of days. Today I auditioned for a Snickers commercial. I played a viking. The premise is that a viking, a Roman, a pilgrim, a Polynesian, and Henry VIII are in a 1993 Ford Taurus together and they...well, you'll see it when it airs. Let's just hope I'm in it.

Moving is stressful but exciting.

Tuesday, June 05, 2007

Hold your pants on.

I'm still messing with the look of this thing. Just wait a second. Jeez.

Best thing I've read today.

Zen Parable or Just Someone Being Cruel?

via McSweeney's

Online art project idea.

Driving home this morning, I had an idea for a potentially brilliant online art project. Someone has undoubtedly tried this before, but because of the nature of the project, it would be almost endlessly interesting and fruitful.

A person documents and publishes on the web every word that they say for a given period of time. Say, a week. Simple, no? I had this idea because as I was driving, I was singing to myself and I sang the nonsense phrase, "OH, YOU MAGNIFICENT BABY!" This is not the lyric to any song that I know and it doesn't make any "sense," and yet it pleases me to sing it and to reflect on it. And as Richard Foreman acknowledges, there really is no such thing as "nonsense," anyway. Our mind automatically makes "sense" out of everything that is presented to it.

There would be serious potential to get to the bottom of some subconscious impulses with a exercise like this.

What would the overall effect be if one were to read the whole of one's verbal expression for a week, together, on one page? Or if someone else were to read it? How would it affect a person's life and choices if he or she knew that EVERYTHING he or she said would be made known to the public? Would it even be interesting? It would be interesting.

Granted, this would take a lot of time and effort. Recording and transcribing. But there may be something here. Yes...

Monday, June 04, 2007

Best thing I heard today. Pt. 1

"I just want to make it clear that it wasn't me doing the yodeling."

-Guy walking into UCI gym


I defy any cat in the world to be as soft as my cat. Go ahead cats. Try. You won't be able to and do you know why? Because Cheeto is the Softest Cat In The World. I'm petting him right now and it's true.

Speaking of cats. Have you seen this?

I may be the last person in the world to have seen this but that doesn't make it any less funny. And if you like that, go HERE and HERE. It's so great.

Saturday, June 02, 2007

Let's kick this thing off right.

So I'm back. Maybe for good. Maybe for just a little while. Maybe I'll just do this one post and then never post again. I don't know why I left. I like blogging. It's fun. I did get a little busy there for a while, but certainly not busy enough to merit not posting since OCTOBER 2006. Whatever. I've left blogs before and abandoned them altogether or just for a long while. I even used to have a livejournal back when that was the thing. And it's fun to go back and read old posts. I don't remember things particularly well/vividly on my own and having a journal helps. It's worthwhile. It's also a little scary because it's me now. This sort of becomes part of my perceived identity because I'm putting it out there and these things don't really go away. Sure, I can delete the blog and all that but it stays cached on some server somewhere. It's written in stone or as good as.

Anyway, I'm posting again and in a new color, too. White seemed appropriate, so I made a little change.

What HAVE I been doing for the last seven months? School. Showcase. Graduation. I'm done now. I'm a master of fine arts. Or so says the State of California. And I agree with them. So I'm starting -- or continuing, actually -- my professional life.
And I don't have a mustache anymore.