Saturday, June 02, 2007

Let's kick this thing off right.

So I'm back. Maybe for good. Maybe for just a little while. Maybe I'll just do this one post and then never post again. I don't know why I left. I like blogging. It's fun. I did get a little busy there for a while, but certainly not busy enough to merit not posting since OCTOBER 2006. Whatever. I've left blogs before and abandoned them altogether or just for a long while. I even used to have a livejournal back when that was the thing. And it's fun to go back and read old posts. I don't remember things particularly well/vividly on my own and having a journal helps. It's worthwhile. It's also a little scary because it's me now. This sort of becomes part of my perceived identity because I'm putting it out there and these things don't really go away. Sure, I can delete the blog and all that but it stays cached on some server somewhere. It's written in stone or as good as.

Anyway, I'm posting again and in a new color, too. White seemed appropriate, so I made a little change.

What HAVE I been doing for the last seven months? School. Showcase. Graduation. I'm done now. I'm a master of fine arts. Or so says the State of California. And I agree with them. So I'm starting -- or continuing, actually -- my professional life.
And I don't have a mustache anymore.

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