Monday, May 22, 2006


Last night I shaved my beard for the first time since Christmas. I feel naked. And I look weird. Actually, I look almost exactly like in my headshot below, which is weird to me but not to you, probably.


Joanne said...

Did you trim it short first and then shave it off? Or did you try to lather up and shave it all at once?

Have you ever wondered how random it is that hair just stops growing along some invisible line along the cheeks? I always find it fascinating when I look at Jonner's stubble. How does it know to do that?

jason vande brake said...

Trimmed then shaved. It was long enough so as to have presented problems if I tried to do it in one fell swoop.

Yeah, it's weird. I also don't get why some guys have hairy chests, etc. and some don't. And why I have a good deal of hair on the outsides of my arms but little on the inside. HOW DOES IT KNOW!?