Friday, May 05, 2006

Bobby and Billy

Here's a photo from our final dress rehearsal. Keith Fowler, our wonderful director, just sent it to me. There should be more to come...


Joanne said...

You totally look like Henry Bakker in that picture.

Congrats on the closing of your show. The show I'm working on opens this saturday. I can't wait. I'm sick of sewing.

I'm sorry I had to dish out some tough love there about posting more often, but it had to be done. :)

jason vande brake said...

True. Tough love is necessary and was in order.

I guess I do kind of look like Henry. What with the beard and all.

What show are you opening?

Unknown said...

So ever since you've posted that previous time, I've been scratching my head as to why you included a picture of Clue .
I just now got it.

You clever bastard.

For some reason, all I could think about was the movie, not the board game.

Coincidently, I recently used a line from Clue: The Movie when speaking to Josh: "Looks like it's you and me, honeybunch." He is unaware of this reference.

Joanne said...

Apparently I have no problem ignoring things that I don't understand. I hardly noticed that picture of Clue. So what *is* up with the picture of Clue?

I'm doing costumes for A Midsummer Night's Dream.

jason vande brake said...

Heh. Wouldn't you like to know. I'll give you a day to figure it out, Joanne. No help from Dave allowed. If you get it, a prize will be yours.

Bridget said...

OH, I think I get it now...lead pipe?

Joanne said...

Yeah, I figured the answer to the mystery was Jason with the lead pipe, murdered the cripple in ... the theatre?